Moves to Botafogo
The British School, under the leadership of Mrs. Cashman, moves to the Real Grandeza community property in Botafogo. Funds are raised to build the Cashman Building on land rented by the community to the school.
School goes low key
According to one account, the school goes low key during the war years, after the government determined that all foreign schools in Brazil were to be closed or adapted to Brazilian system. Once the war efforts are over, schools come back to normal life and funds are raised to build the Cashman Building on land leased by the community to the school.
Separate Kindergarten
A separate kindergarten is started which was incorporated to the main school in 1973.
Mr Ian Robertson
Director Mr Martyn Gordon leaves and is replaced, for a short period, by Ian Robertson.
G.C.E. O-Level Examinations
The school begins to offer G.C.E. O-Level examinations
Mr James Elson
Director Mr John Poppleton leaves school and Mr James Elson arrives.
Mr David Morley
Mr James Elson leaves the school. Mr David Morley arrives and becomes the new Headmaster.
Barra Unit is Inaugurated
Barra Unit is officially inaugurated by Her Britannic Majesty's Ambassador to Brazil, H.E. Dr Peter Collecott with Mr Adam Reid, Chairman of the Board of Governors; Mr Steve Rimmer, former Chairman of the Board of Governors and Mr Paul Wiseman, Director of The British School. Reverend David Weller gave the Blessing.
Jane Robertson Library
On December 1st is officially inaugurated as the Jane Robertson Library. Ms Jane had joined the school in 1992 and had developed into an extremely dedicated and highly effective teacher. She suddenly passed away in 2003, at the age of 41. With Jane’s passing the school community lost a wonderful example of how to be – as a teacher, a mother, a friend, a colleague. Jane will always be so much more than a memory for those who knew her; she will be a guide and a source of strength as we consider our own destinies.
New Building at Barra Unit
The Barra Unit starts in February with 555 children. The new building at the Barra Unit is opened housing the Nursery, Reception and Classes 1 to 6. Pre-Nursery and Infants Classes are expanded within the Block B. The Library is extended to incorporate an area for Seniors. At Botafogo Site, the first Pre-Nursery class is open with 11 children.
New Mackenzie Building
The new building kept the façade of the Ribeiro dos Santos House and occupies the area of three houses. It was developed to include a gymnasium/auditorium, new classrooms for Classes 4 and 5, a new Upper Primary / Lower Seniors Library, two new ICT labs, a large Art Room and a new Science Lab.
Mr Paul Wiseman leaves
In December, Mr Paul Wiseman leaves the school to become Headmaster of the British School of Boston (USA).
Educational Conference: “Inspiring Learning: Taking the Initiative”
The first TBSRJ Staff Conference!
A 3 day “Inspiring Learning: Taking the Initiative” conference . Over 300 of our own staff attended the conference as part of their annual training and we welcomed a number of external delegates from as far afield as Peru and Mexico.
TBSRJ and Team GB Partnership during Rio 2016 Olympics
TBSRJ worked in partnership with Team GB to organise opportunities for the British athletes to train with their coaches at the Barra Unit during the Olympic Games. It was felt important for the athletes to have a quiet, relaxing environment for them to meet friends and family, receive physiotherapy and meet with coaches and performance analysts. The Barra Unit of The British School became a very important part of Team GB-2019 strategy for winning as many medals as possible. In fact, Team GB broke a number of records with their medal haul by celebrating 67 medals in total - more than on home ground during the 2012 London Olympics.
HRH Princess Anne Visit at Barra Unit
The British School - Barra Unit was very honoured to receive a visit from HRH The Princess Royal, Princess Anne and her husband, Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence, on 10th August 2016. Princess Anne is President of the British Olympic Association and was here in Rio de Janeiro to support Team GB by attending various Olympic events and receptions.
HRH Prince Edward Visit at Barra Unit for Awards in the Duke of Edinburgh Programme
On September 12th a ceremony was held to give awards to students who had achieved their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards in the Duke of Edinburgh Programme. The ceremony was very special as it was attended by HRH Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex, KG GCVO. Mr Jonathan Dunn, the British Consul in Rio, gave out the Bronze and Silver Awards and then Prince Edward gave out the Gold Award certificates. Ricardo Augusto Oliveira – Class of 2015, TBSRJ Barra Unit student, was awarded his Gold Certificate by the Prince. The ceremony was held together with the “Associação Mérito Brasil”, who brought twenty Gold Award students.
CIS Ten-Year Team Visit
School is Re-accredited by CIS
Education Conference: “Think, Imagine, Inspire”
TBSRJ 3rd Biennial Education Conference in April 2019, at the Barra Unit: “Think, Imagine, Inspire”.
Throughout the 3-day conference, from Monday 15th to Wednesday 17th April, a Google Summit was ran concurrently; and during the prior weekend, on Saturday and Sunday 13th / 14th April, a Google “Boot Camp” was held at the Urca Site.
E-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
The threat of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) suddenly becomes increasingly more credible for all who live in Rio de Janeiro. Schools are physically closed following government’s definitions. On March 17th 2020, TBSRJ moves to e-learning as children and staff develop online lessons, from their homes.
Students return to partially presential classes on campus.
Due to social distancing requirements and COVID-19 regulations, all need to wear masks, keep social distancing, and sanitize hands and furniture. Classes are taught in hybrid format, with students a week in school and a week at home doing online classes, on a rotation basis.
TBSRJ 4th Biennial Education Conference
The conference offered reflection and inspiration for both Primary and Secondary education staff, and leaders. Workshops on content soundly backed by educational research, looking at broad themes of Teaching & Learning, Technology and Inclusion made this an exceptional professional development opportunity.
Opening of The Patio House
The Vicarage at the Botafogo Site was remodeled during the 2020/2021, with an architectural project designed by John McAslan + Partners. The house become known as the Patio House. The first floor was designed to accommodated the entry and reception area for visitors and parents, as well as the Secretaries Office and the Head of Site Office.
Urca IB Centre
Inaugurated for both Class 10 and Class 11 lessons, centralising the IB-specific resources including the Diploma Programme coordination; Careers and University applications counselling; CAS & Theory of Knowledge coordination and dedicated quiet study spaces and social areas for students and teachers alike.
Centenary Reunion
2024 marked the 100th Anniversary of TBSRJ's founding. The school celebrated this milestone with a Centenary Week that took place from 20-May to 24-May full of festivities, a TBSRJ Centenary Reunion for Alumni, Former Staff and Long-Serving Staff, and had the “Festa Junina” and “International Festival” Centenary themed.
Illustrious presence
During the Centenary Week, we welcomed the Illustrious presence of His Majesty's Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil, Ms Stephanie Al-Qaq CMG; Mr Anjoum Noorani, British Consul General, Rio de Janeiro; and Mr Laurence Burrows, Consular Regional Operations Manager. Ms Stephanie brought a letter from His Majesty the King, Charles III, sharing some special words with the school on our birthday.
TBS 1969 - CLASS 7
With Sr. José - the Gateman, Paul Delaney, Veronica (Tarbutt) Kraushaar, Ursula Bendixen, Jenny Byers (née Marvin), Mr. Martyn Gordon (Headmaster), Claudia Câmara, Marisol.
The Matriz Gates - We used to arrive at and leave School through these gates...